And on Posterous

I’ve created Absolutely The Hague | Posterous, because I’ve had already received several positive responses via Twitter. One typical reactions is: “I would like to help you out guys and girls, but I’m not sure I’ve got the time to do so”. For instance by Soenarko who is a typical Posterous blogger.

I’ve been experimenting a bit with Posterous the last year and it is even easier to post something on Posterous than in a WordPress based blog.

Therefor I’m hoping we can tag it along this blog and Absolutely The Hague | Posterous and find a way of having a supporting community that sends stuff to the Posterous account so that we get ideas here to work out. We will see what happens.

Author: Happy Hotelier

Retired hotelier. Active blogger at, and other blogs

2 thoughts on “And on Posterous”

  1. Thanks for mentioning my blog, Guido. I think you can set up your Absolutely The Hague Posterous blog to have several editors and to forward the posts to your WordPress blog. If you need some help testing, just holler!

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